Texas Research Institute at International Forum of Research Excellence 2023 -Annual meeting held at Long Beach, California”
It is critical to assess the impact of mental health disorders on the progression and cost of multi chronic conditions and vice versa. Identification of MH disorders and predicting rising risk of chronic conditions using predictive analytics embedded with prescriptive solutions is the first step in addressing this underrecognized issue.
Manu presented our data at IFoRE outlines the impact of MH in patients with Diabetes and related multi chronic conditions.

Dialysis Vascular Access ASDIN conference 2021
OptMyCare’s disease management platform rollout in patients with dialysis vascular access: Dr. Bala – Executive VP of Research, Education and Development, PPG & Chair of Medicine-MCFW at the 17th Virtual ASDIN conference
ASDIN 13th Annual Scientific Meeting Feb 10th – 12th 2017
Highest quality of care and cutting edge clinical research team from Texas Research Institute, PPG Healthcare PA and Tarrant Nephrology Associates had a valuable representation at the ASDIN 13th Annual Scientific Meeting held at New Orleans on February 10-12, 2017. Dr. Bala Saravanan and
Dr. Peter Nguyen, presented two posters
1. Distal arterial revascularization in patients with hand pain dialyzing with upper arm AV fistulas: Single Center Experience.
2. One-year outcome after radiofrequency ablation of symptomatic venous reflux disease in patients with kidney disease: A retrospective single center analysis.